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SmartCash SMART Minner

Create a SmartCash Wallet address to receive payments. • Download the SmartCash Wallet client. You will find your SmartCash address under the Receive tab in the wallet. Create a SmartCash Pool account. • Register, or login if you already have an account 3. Download a miner.

• Windows: SGMiner 5.3.4 (tpruvot): CCMiner 8.11 (KlausT): • Unix: SGMiner 5.5.5 (genesismining): 3. Run your miner. • Windows: sgminer-x64 -k keccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u PoolUsername. WorkerName -p WorkerPassword ccminer -a keccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u PoolUsername. WorkerName -p WorkerPassword• Unix:./sgminer -k keccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u PoolUsername. WorkerName -p WorkerPassword PoolUsername needs to be your username from this pool. WorkerName can be any name of your choosing, to distinct one worker from another.

WorkerPassword can be any password of your choosing, and follows the worker. -u Steve.Worker1 -p x 4.

• Join our Slack Enter the #mining channel and ask for help. Electroneum ETN Mining Application there.

SmartCash SMART Minner

Watch this video to learn how to mine SmartCash. SmartCash Website: Nvidia ccminer. I have been solo mining smart for two months with. Essentially the estimate in CC miner is. You do not know when to solve problems with