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Can I Still Mine Komodo KMD

No one ever said mining crypto includes a 100% guarantee on your returns. If you had started back a little after launch you would know that most of us were doing so because we expected gains long term, not short. During that time we didn't see the price shoot up in as little time as those who are entering the space now; more steady growth over a long duration is preferred than these sudden bursts, but you can't dictate the market. Diffi will continue to increase after the next leg up and the next leg up after that and so forth, so you'll need to get use to this factor and plan accordingly. Either acquire more cards after each bump, switch over to another equihash based coin in which there are plenty to choose from and power down and sell gear. After a while you'll notice the other coins will lose value whilst ZEC continues a slow, heathly, climb upwards with occasional violent rips as new money enters. Imo, there's 2 reasons why ZEC feels sluggish: 1) we're still in the accumulation cycle 2) only economic activity ZEC's block chain's zcashco/investors/miners selling to speculators/traders (accumulation) we do have smart bitcoiners using ZEC as a pass through, but that's not enough.

To mine KMD just use any ZCASH (EquiHash) miner. Claymore Zminer config example: ZecMiner64.exe -zpool -zwal RExWiEUz3GAatrkEvXNj3N6rBpzm29wRrL -zpsw x -allpools 1 -i 5. Instead of RExWiEUz3GAatrkEvXNj3N6rBpzm29wRrL put your KMD wallet address. You can get one here:.

Starting next month; we'll have real economic activity on our chain.added velocity will be expressed via exchange rates.

Komodo mining pool is a mining pool for mining Komodo (KMD), the first komodo pool and best on web. On you can mine with your CPUs and GPUs. Notary nodes will do the majority of the mining because they will have a lower difficulty. The other 'normal nodes' can also mine, but it won't be that profitable or even economical if the notary nodes are also online. Round robin mining will ensure that there won't be notary node mining wars and that Komodo tx fees will stay. 2th GameCredits GAME Miner on this page.

Create account. • Register, or login if you already have account • Create a that will be used by the miner to login 2.

Download a miner. • GPU Miner Linux/Windows: • CPU Miner Linux/Windows:. Configure your miner. Settings for Stratum (recommended): STRATUM: stratum+tcp:// PORT: 6250 Username: Weblogin.Worker Password: Worker Password You then need to change '-u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password' to reflect your own account. Eg, '-u Steve.StevesWorker -p StevesWorkerPassword' Then go to 'File =>Save as' and save the file as 'RunMe.bat' in the same folder as minerd.

You are now ready to mine, double click on 'RunMe.bat' to start mining. If you want, you can create additional workers with usernames and passwords of your choice 4. Create a KMDcoin address to receive payments. • Downloading the client & block chain: Download the KMDcoin client from. Generate a new address and input it on your account page to receive payments.

Can I Still Mine Komodo KMD