Litecoin LTC Mining Revenue
Scrypt Cryptocurrency Coins The following list of cryptocurrencies are being compared to Litecoin to determine if a given cryptocurrency is more profitable to mine than Litecoin based on the hash rate information provided. The current profitability information displayed is based on a statistical calculation using the values entered and does not account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuations, stale/reject/orphan rates, a pool's efficiency, and pool fees. Your individual profitability may vary.
An easy to use crypto-currency finance utility used to calculate a Litecoin miner's potential profits in ETH and multiple fiat currencies. The calculator fetches price and network data from the internet and only requires the hash rate (speed of mining) from the user. A projected future profit chart is created dynamically and. Crypto Mining Blog. All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies. Pool, Speed, 26,080 GH/s, Users, 10,456, Reward, 103% PPS. Forgot Password? Latest News (RSS): 2 weeks ago Network connectivity issues [resolved] About Join Stats Charts Calc Help FAQ Forum. Litecoin Mining Calculator. Hash rate: MH/s, kH/s. Network Difficulty: LTC price. Litecoin Faucet - Premium free LTC Faucet, claim free Litecoin every 5 minutes! Litecoin Mining Calculator is an advanced calculator to estimated the litecoins will be mined base on the cost, power, difficulty increasement.
I'm getting around 4 shares a minute (mining at 100Mh/s but I don't mind that much because the number of shares is what actually matters, right?) and since LTC/USD is 2 and it pays 50 LTC for every block reward, it should pay 100USD for every 713 shares (diff as I type) so I should be getting like $100 every 3 hours (which is pretty good indication my math is wrong) and that's because diff is just so low! When I do this math for BTC it works just right. Aren't the mechanisms supposed to be very similar? It should pay 100USD for every 713 shares (diff as I type). That refers to shares of a certain difficulty: diff 1 Litecoin shares or diff 65,536 shares according to some mining clients (notably CGMiner). Each found share has its difficulty.
If the share's difficulty is equal to or higher than the worker's difficulty, it gets submitted by the worker and accepted by the pool. At 713 difficulty, it will take on average 713 * 65,536 = 46,727,168 diff 1 shares to find a block. Likewise, it would take 713 * 65,536 / D diff D shares.
Note that, if you submit a diff 256 share at 128 worker difficulty, you get paid for a diff 128 share. So, assuming your worker difficulty is constant (LTC pools tend to use variable difficulty), your expected payout would be numbers of shares * worker difficulty * 50 / difficulty LTC, where both worker difficulty and difficulty should use the same metric (just use the values the mining client reports). Aren't the mechanisms supposed to be very similar? For Bitcoin mining, a diff 1 share (lowest possible worker difficulty) is found for every 2 32 hashes that are calculated. Since Litecoin's scrypt algorithm is about 1000 times slower than SHA256, mining Litecoins would have a very high variance if the same metric of worker difficulty was being used. Therefore, pools and mining clients implemented shares with worker difficulty lower than 1, e.g., diff 2 -10. In order to avoid dealing with fractional difficulties (I assume), mining clients labelled diff 2 -16 shares diff 1 shares, so actual diff 1 Litecoin shares become diff 65,536 shares.
Litecoin difficulty is very low! Since computing hashes is 1,000 times slower for Litecoin mining, a difficulty of 713 for Litecoin mining is more or less equivalent to a difficulty of 713,000 for Bitcoin mining.
Well now I've found that there is such a thing as a 'pool difficulty'. PooledBits got back to me and now I've found where the difficulty for worker is, it was and cgminer reported it 'setting pool difficulty to 6'. Apparently, it keeps changing it all the time dynamically. I notice that each share I submit has a corresponding difficult and cgminer even reports what was the highest difficult share I submitted. So to get to my resulting earning, should I do number of shares * difficulty of every share * 50LTC / 65536?
How Long Does It Take To Mine ZCoin XZC more. – Jun 26 '13 at 18:19 •.