Dedicated Ethereum ETH Miner
About this guide: Hey everyone! I've recently gotten back into the mining scene, and I've decided to mine Ethereum (or ETH). I've been mining Monero lately (which I might also set up a guide for at a later date) and has proven to be somewhat profitable. However, at this moment in time ETH is the most profitable coin to mine, whether it be to convert into Bitcoin (BTC) or into a fiat currency. Even though I have years of experience of mining under my belt, it was a hassle (to say the least!) on how to mine ETH. Why not put up an idiot-proof guide on Steemit so everyone can see how easy it can be to mine ETH? Follow these instructions coming up next, and you'll be mining ETH in a half an hour or less.
A little about Ethereum mining. ETH mining is ASIC-proof, meaning that only GPU's and CPU's can be used to mine ETH. CPUs, in all reality, is too cumbersome to use as a means to mining Ethereum; CPU's simply will not do the trick. AMD video cards are preferred and usually are more efficient, but you can also mine via NVIDIA cards as well. You can get a list of GPU's optimal for mining here: Alright, with that out of the way, let's keep this short and sweet -- we just want to mine ETH, we don't want to read a wall of text! BE SURE TO TURN OFF YOUR FIREWALL/ANTI-VIRUS OR ALLOW PERMISSION FOR ALL THINGS ETHEREUM!
Downloads These are the download links that we will be using: Geth: Ethminer: Ethereum Wallet: Alright. Now that we have the links, let's get started! Instructions • Create a folder somewhere that's easily remembered and name it 'Eth' • Download all the latest versions of the files above to your 'Eth' folder. • Rename the Geth download to 'Geth'. Rename Ethminer to 'miner' and rename the Ethereum wallet to 'wallet'. By now, everything should look like • Open up cmd (Win+R, type cmd).
Windows Ethereum Miner. How To; Join. Video cards or machines without dedicated video. Can mine Ethereum you must have a wallet for ETH to be transferred.
• 'cd' from your command prompt to your 'Eth' folder -- for myself, I typed in command prompt 'cd C: Eth'. This will be different for you depending on where you have downloaded the files. • After changing directories to Eth, type 'geth account new' into your cmd. Enter a password to encrypt your wallet when prompted. • Navigate to your wallet folder, and open up the file 'Ethereum-Wallet.exe' on your computer.
Wait for Ethereum to sync. Go get some tea or something. ( WARNING: The whole Ethereum blockchain has to sync, which is about a 30GB download. So most definitely get some tea while you're waiting). • The download of the blockchain will, like I've said, take a little while. However, you now have an Ethereum address that is available for use. Copy it from your Ethereum Wallet.
• In your command prompt, type 'cd C: Eth miner', or wherever your miner is saved to. Use the following syntax, and enter this into the command prompt: ethminer -U -F (NVIDIA) ethminer -G -F (AMD) • Mine away! Happy mining! I hope this guide was easy enough for everyone to follow. Now, anyone has the ability to figure out how to mine Ethereum.
While it might seem complicated at first, with a guide like this, no way will you be steered in the wrong direction! So, what are you doing? Try these 10 simple steps out, and start mining some Ethereum! Reply here for any questions.
I'll be more than happy to help. PS: Guide on mining Monero on both NVIDIA and AMD cards, coming up soon. GPU's are much more efficient than CPU at mining, but ensure that you calculate your profitability for your particular card based on its hashrate and your cost of power. The 7790 is a rather old card and only has 1GB of memory so hashrate may be low for the amount of power it consumes.
If your power is free, then perhaps just throw whatever hardware you want at it and see what rates you can achieve. If its winter it can be a good way to warm the house:) Also you do not need to run them in crossfire, they should be picked up individually by the mining software. Disabling crossfire can help reduce stability issues. Cloud mining all the way for me. These are the sites I use! All Free Gh/s. Eobot - - Daily free faucet!!
Number One & Most Trusted Fleex - - 100Gh/s Rapid - - 100 Gh/s CryptoS - - 20Gh/s MinerClub - - 15 Kh/s Nano - - 15 Khs Elite - - 5000 DogeCoin to start investing. Demix - - 5 Gh/s DogeMine - - 20 Kh/s I do not recommend you invest $$$ except in Eobot, more your time, in and internally generated Gigahashes Then cash out when you like the day returns! Then send it over to Eobot to boost my account their. Please use the links so i can gain a small amount of Gh/s for your referral.
Happy Mining. Nice article.
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See: For the Ethereum Investment and research analysis.
Free Ethereum (Ether, ETH) Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. In many ways Ethereum is how the Internet was supposed to work.
Free, open and uncensored. To run application on the Ethereum network you need to have ether. Ether (ETH) is the currency that is distributed to the miners and contributors for upholding the network. So to get Ethereum you can always start mining with your computer or dedicated Ethereum mining hardware or Ethereum cloud mining services. However, there is other ways that you can acquire Ether (ETH). By adding you wallet address to Ethereum facuets you can start earning Ethereum today.
You can also receive Ether by completing tasks such as visiting websites, downloading and playing games, watching videos and answering surveys. What do You Need to Get Free Ether?
A Local or Online Ethereum Wallet Whether you use local or online does not matter. Maybe the complicated installation of the local Ethereum Geth wallet is turning you off. Peercoin PPC Mining 2018. If so, then you could always get an online wallet from, the wallet is easy to create and does not require to be downloaded and installed. With BIT.AC you can also convert your Ethereum to Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies quickly. Your Wallet Address This can be found in your wallet software or your wallet page (if using an online wallet).
The wallet address is usually very easy to find within the interface and is a Base58-encoded string similar to this one: 0x1c10a5aabc2555ee3027d5758c4b7b462605f972 A Computer and a Browser (or Mobile Device) Below you will find a selection of Ethereum faucet and earning websites. Follow the instruction on each site to complete the collection of your free Ether. Usually it’s as simple as copying and pasting in your Ethereum address in the wallet address field, filling in the reCaptcha and hitting the claim button. Frequently Asked Faucet Questions? How is Ethereum (Ether, ETH) dividable? Ethereum is dividable in to Wei, Kwei, Mwei, Gwei, Szabo, Finney, Kether, Mether, Gether and Tether. Start Experience Points XP Mining. 000000000 Wei = Ξ 1 Ether 000000 Kwei = Ξ 1 Ether 000 Mwei = Ξ 1 Ether Gwei = Ξ 1 Ether 1000000 Szabo = Ξ 1 Ether 1000 Finney = Ξ 1 Ether 1 Ether = Ξ 1 Ether 0.001 Kether = Ξ 1 Ether 0.000001 Mether = Ξ 1 Ether 0.000000001 Gether = Ξ 1 Ether 0.01 Tether = Ξ 1 Ether If you still have a hard time grasp the concept or calculate large numbers in your head you can always use this useful.
Ore-Mine is a very simple web-based game where you mine ore and can sell it for Ethereum, the game is absolutely free to get started up and running with a small production capacity, as you advance you can increase your ore production and earnings. Minimum Payout: 50000 BTC Satoshis Withdrawal: Instant Do you want to start your own Ethereum Faucet?
Check out for PHP, Python and Ruby on Rails scripts that will make it easier for you with out programming skills to get started This page has included referral links which means that the content writer may receive some commission. Please note that all Ethereum faucets, free Ethereum lotteries and Ethereum earning programs listed above are tested thoroughly. Every site has at least made two valid transaction and passed the quality criteria. If you find this article helpful, feel free to share it with your friends or use the links yourself to support CryptoJunction.
If you do not receive a payment or encounter any other issues with any of the sites listed above, feel free to comment and share this with other users!