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How To Mine Nexus NXS With Raspberry Pi 3

How To Mine Nexus NXS With Raspberry Pi 3

134 comments • Monday, 02 October 2017 20:47 posted by Roboberry Hi John, this article is out of date, the latest versions are available by following the links at the top of the article. Non association is usually caused when there is an issue in the network configuration or settings.

If you have used the script in this article with Raspbian Stretch that was released in August then it won't work as there has been changes in the network setup. Use lsb_release -a to see what version you have. Im working on a fix for the latest versions but it is not ready yet.

If you are using Raspbian jessie it depends when you get the error. If it when you should be connecting to your router then check your password in wpa_supplicant is ok.

If your SSID contains special characters other than space, such as a ' then it may not work. If it is during the hostspot then enter sudo systemctl status hostapd and sudo systemctl status dnsmasq and look for errors. And you can also run autohotspot manually and see what response it gives you. Sudo /usr/bin/aoutohotspot if you can give me more details about your issue I will look into it further. • Saturday, 23 September 2017 21:47 posted by Hi Matt Unfortunately the scripts don't work with Raspbian Stretch that has just been released and will be used on NOOBS, until I can resolve some issue it causes. When you had it working you would have been using Raspbian Jessie Part of the changes is the interfaces file is blank, it can be populated with the same details but the script is far from stable with the recent changes to the network setup.

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So for now you would need to try and get a Jessie image until I can get it working on Stretch. By the way this article is the old script so also outdated.

There are some links at the top of this page to take you to the new scripts for Jessie. • Saturday, 23 September 2017 12:51 posted by Matt Hi, Thanks for posting this tutorial - I managed to get it working first time and I am a TOTAL novice. Somehow I fried my SD card and I have had to reinstall with NOOBS downloaded from the main site. When I try to re-install your hotspot system I get as far as the '/etc/network/interfaces' section where you say to change any reference to Wlan0. However, the interfaces file has NO REFERENCE to Wlan0 - infact it is pretty much empty. All it contains is: # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) # Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd # For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf' # Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d: source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d I've had a poke around in the directory (not changed anything) with the thought that an upgrade to hostapd or dnsmasq may have happened in the interim but I really don't have the knowledge to figure this out on my own.

Have I completely fouled it up somehow when I fried my SD card? As I said, it worked perfectly first time round and its the exact thing I need for my RPi as I always have my laptop with me and don't want to have to carry a keyboard and monitor as well just to be able to use my RPi. I'm using a RPi3 with NOOBS version 2.4.4 installed. Please help someone!! Cheers, Matt. • Friday, 07 July 2017 22:39 posted by hi mive, glad you got it working.

Slow connections are a bit of a problem. I don't think the systemd process can wait for specific devices but you can use a timer script that will start N seconds/minutes after boot up.

You will need to set up a authotspot.timer in /etc/systemd/system/ that triggers the autohotspot.service but disable the autohotspot.service so that the timer starts it. Try this first, change the current service file so it runs the autohotspot script a little later in the bootup process. In place of use it will give you a few more seconds for wlan0 to become available.

I have just upgraded my script and process with a new article which can auto generate a internet hotspot. And i'm just finishing the upgrade to the non internet version so the script in this article will be discontinued. The new script is more robust and should be available this weekend.

Thanks for the reference in your program, much appreciated. • Friday, 07 July 2017 12:35 posted by mive First of all, thank you very much, got it working in the meantime, just needed to ensure that the network interface is available (atheros thingy works with nl80211 driver as AP).

It seems it is not the fastest wlan dongle regarding intialization (dont know better words to describe the behaviour, sorry). Btw, do you maybe know if systemd service unit supports specifying a network interface like wlan0, then I could use that instead nasty workarounds in script? • Thursday, 06 July 2017 20:00 posted by Hi Mive, as long as your Wifi dongle uses the nl80211 driver you will be fine. But you need to check.

Have you set up my script and process and if so can you confirm if it works or not? I can only resolve issues relating to my script so not able to help with issues in your python code. All your error are to do with wlan0 not being found so the issue is about your wifi dongle setup. The commands are trying to access the device wlan0 but it does not exist or wlan0 has been deactivated and not available when the commands are run.

Looking at seems your dongle uses its own hardware so probably not compatible with the driver. In the hostapd.conf file put a # in front of driver=nl80211 to ignore this line, but you need to see why wlan0 is not available and at what stage it is lost.

What Happens When All Asch XAS Are Mined. • Wednesday, 05 July 2017 19:12 posted by Hi mive, it looks like you have a config error. Dnsmasq has failed, as a result the autohotspot script can't setup the hotspot.

Enter sudo systemctl status -l dnsmasq and have a look why it has failed. Also double check your /etc/dnsmasq.conf file is correct and your /etc/network/interfaces file. Also sudo systemctl status -l autohotspot will give you more detail as wlan0 is not available for use. Let me know if no luck with the results of these statuses and I will look into it further.

• Wednesday, 05 July 2017 15:43 posted by mive.sorry wrong email address before. Doesnt work for me, only partial when executing the script after login (connecting to home router/ssid works then, hotspot dont work, other devices wont see raspberry hotspot) I get this errors in syslog. • Sunday, 25 June 2017 12:32 posted by HI Robm, I have a new script and setup that is being tested at the moment that adds internet routing to the hotspot, this may solve your issue but involves different config so not usable with the current setup. I have not used the current scripts with IOS so don't know how it responds.

In hotspot mode the pi has always uses ip on all my pi's. I hope to put the new scripts up in the next two weeks I will try to run it through IOS and see what’s going on. • Saturday, 24 June 2017 15:01 posted by Joe Morris Many thanks for this. I have been playing for days with all of the AP options trying to make them work. Your solution is so simple and it worked the very first time. I am using it a little differently though. I am developing a product for the retail marketplace.

ON initial boot there won't be a valid SSID in wpa_supplicant.conf. So after boot the user calls up a simple config web page, enters the info, the web page updates the wpa_supplicant conf file and then reboots. Absolutely wonderful!! Thanks again!! I just wish that I had found your post days ago!:) Joe. • Friday, 23 June 2017 02:38 posted by RobM Thank you for the tutorial.I'm using it with the RPi-Cam-Web-Interface.

Is it possible to configure so a gateway/router ip is issued with the dhcp? I can connect via Android, but not my IOS 10.x devices('No Internet Connection' error). IOS device gets IP Address (169.254.132.x) and Subnet Mask, but no router address. I believe IOS has to get an router address to finish the connection to the RPi.

I am able to successfully connect to Wi-Fi enabled action camera with the same IOS devices. Only difference is that action cameraa connection shows a router address (that is being issued by the action cam. Thank you in advance! • Friday, 02 June 2017 20:50 posted by Hi Kevin, have a check that the script has been saved.

In a terminal window enter; ls /usr/bin/auto* you should see the autohotspot file listed. If not save the autohotspot script again. If it is there try the chmod command again. Otherwise navigate to the folder with cd /usr/bin then try sudo chmod +x autohotspot The script wont be able to run unless this is done.

Just to check that chmod worked you can enter the command; ls -g autoh* or ls -g /usr/bin/autoh* you should get a result like this -rwxr-xr-x 1 root 2477 Jun 2 20:27 autohotspot the X's in the results means it worked. • Wednesday, 31 May 2017 21:21 posted by Hi David G, Yes this setup will allow you to access your RPi from your laptop. On the Laptop select RPI3Hot as the wifi network to connect to. Then you can use ssh with to connect to the pi.

You can also enter in your laptops webbrowser to access the webserver website. If the PI is setup to be able to connect to your router it will always connect to that if it is in range rather than generate a hotspot. If you do connect the RPi to a router at times that will always be in range and want to force a AP then it can be done with other scripts I have. Let me know if that’s the case. • Tuesday, 23 May 2017 23:10 posted by hi ScottSammarco, I hope you can get your years back, i had similar issues creating the script so I know how you feel. The red X's will appear if hostapd is down or the wifi is down. If you hover over them is should say Disassociated from RPi3Hot.

As you have checked this all to death it may not be something simple but I just need to know some things to see where we are. What is the status of hostapd sudo systemctl status -l hostapd. And is iw installed ok dpkg -s iw should say status installed ok. If you get no clues from this or you have already covered this your welcome to e-mail me your config files and scripts and I will try them on my pi3. Or email me more details and I will look into it.

• Tuesday, 23 May 2017 20:30 posted by Hi Dan, sound like the issue is with dnsmasq. If it's not working you will get the hostpot but no ip address. Check it's status when the hotspot is running. Sudo systemctl status -l dnsmasq hopefully that will show an error or that it is not working,inactive(dead). Try manually starting it with sudo systemctl start dnsmasq.

If the pi issues an IP after that then check the autohotspot script in the CreateAdHocNetwork() section. If no luck email me more details and i will see what I can do.