What Is A Bitcoin Gold BTG Miner
Bitcoin Gold (BTG) Mining Pool since Nov 14, 2017. Worker and BTG address. Miner Statistics. Connected: 2. Bitcoin Gold is a Hard Fork that allows you to mine Bitcoin with GPU. BTG implements a new PoW algorithm, Equihash, that makes mining decentralized again. How To mine Bitcoin Gold? BTG mining Tutorial/Guide (12GPU) Bitcoin Gold Mining with 12 GPU. In this post you will get to know about how to mine bitcoin gold with gpu. BTG minig will use equihash algo for POW. Get to know about mining pool,miners. Jan 28, 2018 - Mining has been a key feature of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies since the very beginning of bitcoin (BTC). The technology used for mining coins has been charging ahead in leaps and bounds but the hardware has become expensive and prohibitive for most hobbyists. Bitcoin Gold (BTG) aims to fix this.
In a devastating breach of trust, the Bitcoin Gold team has officially confirmed they’ve been pre-mining BTG for some time now ahead of the coming BTG “fork.” This ugly revelation could sink the BTG project before it ever even had a chance to start. Also read: More and more red flags are appearing for Bitcoin Gold (BTG) In a bombshell revelation, a Bitcoin Gold developer using the GitHub moniker “” confirmed the pre-mining of Bitcoin Gold in a Slack conversation regarding the veracity of swirling pre-mining rumors. This admission counters previous assertions by the BTG team that Bitcoin Gold would not be pre-mined, a development that greatly decreases the value—and trustworthiness—of the project. BTG, a seemingly promising effort to decentralize mining by allowing GPU mining, is now facing a scandal of doomful proportions. Indeed, many pundits in the crypto space are saying this latest breach of trust is enough to destroy the Bitcoin Gold project permanently.
So it looks like this is a private fork of bitcoin, with a private,hidden premine and after the premine was successful, it's released public — supr nova (@SuprnovaPools) Twitter user was the first person to make h4x3rotab’s damning Slack conversation available to the general public. In @SuprnovaPools’ snapshot, h4x3rotab’s admission is clear: “Yes, we will have a premine. The amount is not finalized but you can assume it should be less than 1% of the total supply.” To this end, some have come to the conclusion that the Bitcoin Gold developers have already pre-mined over 200,000 BTG coins. How Much Money Can You Make From Mining Experience Points XP more. Not only is this pre-mining extremely deceitful, then, but it also means the Bitcoin Gold team can all but dump their pre-mined coins on exchanges post-November 1st. First, they said premine, then No Premine, Now back to Premine, LOL and snapshot time gap only guarantees the premine will happen, — gonzobreakout (@gonzobreakout) Coinbase, Bittrex Refuse to Support BTG Two of the world’s most dominant crypto exchanges—Coinbase and Bittrex—have officially come out against supporting the Bitcoin Gold fork. Coinbase is standing their ground as the BTG devs refuse to release the BTG code, which is a huge “” for Coinbase’s compliance officers. Bittrex—the 3rd largest exchange in the world—is: “At this time, the information and codebase presented by the Bitcoin Gold team is not in a functional state and Bittrex will not commit to opening a Bitcoin Gold trading market.” What’s your take?
Is Bitcoin Gold showing all the signs of being a scam, or is it getting a bad rap? Build Dash DASH Miner 2018 on this page. Sound off in the comments below! Image via Coin News Asia.