DigiByte DGB Mining Time
First off I would like to thank anyone who currently owns DGB because for the most part this is an incredible journey that we are all embarking on together. With that being said I just want you guys to realize that DGB was a 1 cent coin in Nov. It has now been fluctuating at 5-8 cents consistently this is awesome! The coin has been showing steady growth. It has been gaining more exposure and it will continue to do so overtime.
First off I would like to thank anyone who currently owns DGB because for the. Antminer S9 How to mine DBG Digibyte mining. And Digibyte will get its time. Dec 23, 2017 The coin generating noise now is DigiByte (DGB). This is enforced by five separate mining algorithms. Over time her DGB Knowledge. DGB is 40x faster than Bitcoin. Forward Thinking Over the past 4 years, DigiByte has repeatedly set itself apart with multiple blockchain firsts, such as SegWit, MultiAlgo mining and DigiShield. DigiByte (DGB) - Mining calculator. Online Investing and Cryptocurrency Mining on BitcoinCloudMining. What Is The Purpose Of Siacoin SC Mining more. center. DigiByte (DGB) - mining calculator - profitability of.
However for those of you who are newcomers (some not all) I constantly see panic posts in this sub Reddit every-time the coin drops a few cents. Post like “why is DGB price drop” if you’re one of these people I won’t call you out for trying to jump in on pumps and what not but understand those of us who believe in the coin are here for the long haul.
If you’re not then that is your choice. However I caution you to refrain from posting things that are counter productive to the growth of community within this sub Reddit. We all want the coin to grow and it will do so at its own rate through updates, user adoption and gradual exposure.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and you won’t become rich in a day either. Lastly, there will be a lot of newcomers in 2018. I say we welcome them with open arms and stress that they research the coin and buy/support the coin based off of their perception in regards to what they believe the coin can be. There is so much hysteria in the crypto world currently we need to focus on building a community with accurate info and sound support. Let’s work to change the way we help grow DGB in 2018!
Happy New Years! Exactly, this coin has been out for years and is in service tried and tested and ready to go.
Cardono was worth $10 billion and hasn’t put a damn thing out yet. Now I believe it’s a great idea, but is still an idea. There are many of these top or coins that will fail next year. I wish I knew about this coin before November but I’m still good with where I’m. Also, keep in mind the real investors are not going to put their money in garbage, they want actual working functions to invest in.
When it happens, it will be fast and I hope everyone here makes a fortune. Good luck • • • • • • •. I wasn’t aware that any money was raised. Jared has stated in the past that no premine was done back in 2014, so any coins created were from regular, open to the public, mining operations.
Also there has never been any airdrop producing forks. Since digibyte is not an ico, and it is not owned by a company, there is no ceo. Digibyte has a founder (Jared), but the system is totally open source and runs like the internet more than a company. Do you have any facts to back up the assertion money was raised by sale of coin? Just curious as I’d like to know this as well. Bitcore BTX Mining Efficiency more. What I have seen are donations (from investors) that go to the Digibyte Foundation that was formed recently to help support the marketing/development of the coin.
There is an official Telegram channel with almost 10k members, that is where to go to get the most up2date info and share ideas. If you do decide to invest, be prepared to hold for a number of months/year. • • • • • • •.
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