Fastest MonaCoin MONA Mining Software
It seems that the last day MonaCoin (MONA) has exploded in price and profitability for mining as a result, so there is increased interest from miners. So here is a 32-bit Windows binary (CUDA 8.0) of the latest ccMiner 2.2-based fork from Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin () with optimized Lyra2REv2 performance. The code is based around the ccMiner 2.2 release from tpruvot, but offers faster performance for Lyra2REv2 with up to about 10% (depending on the GPU being used) compared to other publicly available forks. The Lyra2REv2 algorithm is performing very well on Nvidia-based mining rigs, so with the current low altcoin mining profitability you might want to give it a try. The profitability of VertCoin (VTC) is lower, but still pretty high compared to some other coins and algorithms at the moment, so it is also an alternative as the profit for MONA can start to drop soon. – Other Similar Publications: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. Copyright ©2014-2018 - - All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies.
This is a blog for crypto currency miners and users of Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), ZCash (ZEC) and many others. If you find helpful and useful information you can support us by donating altcoins or Bitcoin (BTC) to: 1AxbMZwtcmCByrHiaWwhse5r6ea1YgBwk1 ETH: 0x8d785ff337046444d8afbac169bcb7c0adfb3266 - LTC: LPYFPK7dL1uEtwrAteLmxs7w8Je446gAAJ - ZEC: t1gg5rWxeMBMsyDRMrq5PJdFLiWQ86LGggi.
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Dec 22, 2017 - The mining software of MonaCoin is compatible with a range of leading operating systems that include Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. If miners do not want to invest in a dedicated mining system because it will cost an arm and a leg, then they should mine MonaCoin coins in mining pools. How the heck do you set this up? All the guides are weird anime of the coin with weird music. I keep getting that the results do not validate. It seems that the last day MonaCoin (MONA). GPU Miner for GPU Coin Mining; The Fastest Public Keccak. 2.2 fork by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin For MonaCoin Mining.
GitHub is where people build software. Monacoin (MONA) - Mining calculator. Manual coin selection -Fastest miner for each algo/coin preselected for Nvidia.