When Will The Last Bitcoin BTC Be Mined
What happens if the last Bitcoin is mined? Maybe you don't know but Bitcoin has a limited supply. But ask yourself: What will happen if all Bitcoins are mined? This will cause some changes Miners only get rewards from transaction fees.
This could be a bad thing, miners would take a risk, it is possible that a lot of miner will quit because they are not sure they will make profit. Some miners will keep on mining, with a big risk. The coin could be unstable because of this whole situation. But it could also go to the moon because of the limited supply.
Action before reaction? We know that it will take a long time in order to reach the last bitcoin. And if that happens there will never be any BTC made. Unless a change to the protocol is made to increase the supply.
If the mining power had remained constant since the first Bitcoin was mined, the last Bitcoin would have been mined somewhere near October 8th, 2140. Due to the mining power having increased overall over time, as of block 367,500 - assuming mining power remained constant from that block forward - the last Bitcoin will be mined on May 7th, 2140. Currently there are 16,067,475 Bitcoins in circulation, so there is 23.4882% left to be mined in the future. Currently 12.5 BTC is mined approximately every 10 minutes and of course the next halving (2020-May-24) will halve that too. So in the distant future when we reach the 21 million limit mining will stop, and the transaction fees will remain.
If this happens, it won't be soon. In my opinion they will be working on it when the miners have mined 80-90% of the coin.
They could apply it even before the last coin is mined, or they could monitor the market and let the coin increase a bit. Both could have a big impact on the Bitcoin. Either in a positive or negative way. No panic We are talking about the last Bitcoin, nothing to worry about at the moment, but it is something you shoud keep in mind for sure. If Bitcoin would be used more for payments, I think there would be no problem, but we can't predict the future, can we? Eth doesn't have a limited amount of coins.
So the miners will be happy and the network keeps stable. But on the other hand, Bitcoin could increase in value a lot when we are close to the last few bitcoins.
Where are we? DigitalNote XDN Mining Calculator India. We already have 16,441,313 BTC in circulation at the moment and the limit is 21,000,000. Which means we are at 78.29%. To check this information you can go to: So I think the Bitcoin will keep rising more and more. But we can't know.
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