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Ubiq UBQ Mining Group

Introduction Ubiq (UBQ) is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distribution computing platform with smart contract functionality. The Ubiq network provides a robust blockchain to host an Ethereum virtual machine that integrates a decentralised virtual Turing machine that enables contract and coin creation.

There is a value coin called “Ubiq Coin”, which was created by transferring the value of a three-year established coin, Jumbucks (JBS), to a blockchain with ethereum functionality. It offers EVM functionality in a blockchain that is technological, politically and conceptually separated from Ethereum or Ethereum Classic. Ubiq Coin – The Cryptocurrency The value coin of the Ubiq blockchain is the Ubiq Coin (UBQ) of the same name, which is traded on the cryptocurrency exchanges. It is also used to pay transaction fees and compute services in the Ubiq network. Like Bitcoin, but unlike Ethereum, Ubiq establishes a monetary policy to control the inflation rate of Ubiq coins. The inflation rate for the first year is set at 8 UBQ per block (7.3%), with 8 UBQ per block being rewarded with an average block time of 88 seconds. How Many Dash DASH Are Mined Per Day. Monetary policy reduces this inflation to 1 UBQ per block (0.7%) over the next eight years, so that a fixed inflation schedule is in place to prevent only one mining market from developing.

Like Ethereum, Ubiq rewards the miners if duplicate block solutions are found with some subtle but significant differences. The miner of an uncle block of depth one is rewarded with 50% of the current block reward, uncle blocks of depth >1 are not paid. A miner that mines an uncle block is rewarded with an additional UBQ per included uncle block. These changes minimize the unpredictable inflation generated by Uncle Rewards, while also serving as an incentive for miners to always look at the head of the blockchain.

The Ubiq blockchain creates blocks with a proof-of-work system and an average target block time of 88 seconds. The proof-of-work algorithm used is Dagger Hashimoto, the same one used for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. However, the longer average block times reduce the growth size of the DAG used to represent the blockchain.

Video cards with 2 GB of RAM can operate on the blockchain for more than six years. Also, Ubiq integrates a new difficulty matching algorithm, Flux, to maintain more consistent block times under variable hash rate conditions. Ubiq’s market capitalization (UBQ) was more than $61 million or 6091 BTC on December 1st, 2017, and was the 98th largest digital currency by market capitalization. The price of the Ubiq coin reached an all-time high of over $3.00 on August 30, 2017. Ubiq Coin – The Company Ubiq is currently headed by Julian Yap, a systems engineer who previously worked on projects such as Bittrex-Exchange, Blocktech and Decred. Luke Williams, the developer of the Iquidus Explorer, a widely used blockchain search tool; Kris Hansen, an established blockchain developer and Alex Sterk, host of #blocktalk and teacher of blockchain technologies, is helping to develop the platform.

Ubiq Mining Calculator

On September 2, 2014, the coinmarketscoin, a coin for crypt PoW, was launched. From October 23, 2014, the company rebranded Jumbucks, a proof-of-stake coin with newly announced community development initiatives. On 28 January 2017, the company announced the closure of the Jumbucks (JBS) market and the launch of Ubiq Blockchain. QWARK, a coin on the Ubiq blockchain with a 1:1 coin swap with Sarcoin, was launched on February 25, 2017, and the company then began the FusionWallet. The crowdfunding of APX, a distributive mining and ICO review platform, was launched on May 1, 2017, and on June 8, 2017, Pyrus, a re-branded MyEtherWallet web wallet, was launched.

You can’t buy it directly for fiat on any exchange. You can choose the for your region and buy BTC there, then trade it for UBQ on exchanges. Our recommendation is always check if is available for your country and buy there – as it is by far the safest and best regulated bitcoin exchange.

If your country is not available on Coinbase – check for (such as Cexio and Indacoin – see here and ) and buy BTC on one of those exchanges. You can always exchange your coins on Changelly (), instantly and directly to BTC.

Live Ubiq prices from all markets and UBQ coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Ubiq price movements and forum discussion. Check out our.

• The basic concept of a mining rig is to have an open case where you could mount your video cards, motherboard, PSU and a storage device/SSD. See for an example of how one looks like and how you could actually make it yourself for cheap! • The ideea is to use all video cards on PCI-E risers to align the videocards at the top and to keep a distance from one to another so that each card stays relatively cooled for the time performing. • As power supplying one powerful PSU or two medium sized could be used (but you might need some extra adapters) • Storage is needed for holding the OS so anything could be used (from HDDs, SSDs to usb flash-drives) BUT you want to minimize your power consumption to achieve more profit right? So you should go with the cheapest SSD on sata 3 interface you can find on the market.

Most known video cards from AMD used in mining UBQ and their approximate hashrate: • RX 580: 22.5 – 27 mh/s • RX 570: 21 – 26 mh/s • RX 480: 24 – 31 mh/s • RX 470: 23 – 30 mh/s • R9 390: 30 – 31 mh/s • R9 380X: 21 mh/s • R9 380: 19 mh/s • R9 290: 25 – 30 mh/s • R9 280X: 22 – 25 mh/s • R9 270: 15 – 17 mh/s • R7 370: 15 – 20 mh/s As of difficulty increases, older video cards from R7 and R9 series are having lower hashrate then the above specified, so far the best hash rate/power consumption would be the RX 4xx series! This guide is intended for WINDOWS 7/8.1/10 users only! Step 1: Download latest ” “. Step 2: Extract the files from downloaded zip to Desktop (or a location of your choice) – right click the zipped archive file ->EXTRACT ALL: Step 3: Browse the extracted folder and find a file called “start” (that is actually a batch-file with the exact name “start.bat”. Right click it ->Edit ->if(open file security warning) say RUN ->it will open with NOTEPAD. Step 4: configuring the miner to use your desired Mining Pool and your own wallet. ( for a choice of your own) Select all the text from opened notepad and copy-paste the text below: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool ADRESS:PORT -ewal YOUR_WALLET -epsw x Step 5: edit ” ADRESS “, ” PORT ” and ” YOUR_WALLET ” to match your own.

For example, for “ADRESS” i will use “”, for “PORT” i choose a port from such as “8008” and finally i put my wallet adress in “YOUR_WALLET” from ” 0x51c4f7a2842625ca868121c371bb9a ” The END RESULTS of example would look like this: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x51c4f7a2842625ca868121c371bb9a -epsw x That’s IT! Save the opened start.bat file and RUN it! You should be start mining! After a few “share found” messages within miner, you should check your mining progress, go to (or wherever you are mining) and check your account and/or wallet status for LIVE mining details. Example: go to ->and input your wallet adress an click Lookup, after a few seconds you should see your immature balance as well as payouts!

I assume you already know how to make a batchfile (start.bat) and how to properly edit it so we are going to add a few tweaks to it and add dual mining! Be sure to check the Readme!!!txt included in the claymore miner zip package! So in the basic guide we used this command line to start the miner up and running on with UBIQ only mode! EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x51c4f7a2842625ca868121c371bb9a -epsw x Now we are going to add a few extra commands to it to tweak it and even add dual mining support to it! Fist, we need to get familiar with the most common used switches: -ethi ->this switch will set the desired mining intensity on each card from 0 – 8 (8 is highest) it can set to separate cards just by a coma ex: -ethi 3,7 will result the 1st gpu with intensity 3 and the 2nd with intensity 7.

(the reason you would want to adjust this is to control temperature when you play with overclocking!) -tt ->this is the TARGET TEMPERATURE and it will automatically adjust fan speeds to meet your desired values. Ex: -tt 80,75 (because i want the bottom GPU to have the same fan speed as the top GPU “IF IT WAS A SIMPLE DESKTOP SYSTEM” but because the position of the TOP GPU is warmer /see Physics 101, it will always require more cooling then the one bellow it, and so on!) -ttli ->Target Temperature Low Intensity: simply put, this switch allows the miner to reduce mining intensity for a specified temperature value. EX: -ttli 80,83,85 it takes the values of celcius degrees of three GPUs and if they reach these values, miner will adjust intensity for each card to prevent them from overheating, therefore reaching these values.

-tstop ->this is an emergency STOP safe switch! You can set celcius degrees value for each card to prevent them from BURNING! 😀 ex: -tstop 85,88,90 if the 1st gpu reaches 85, the 2nd 88 and 3rd 90*C, the specific video card will stop mining to allow it to cool down, therefore SAVING THE LIFE OF THAT CARD! For my setup test example i’m using a normal desktop with 2 video cards, an RX 470 and an RX 480, both from Sapphire, now i have the RX 470 on 1st PCI_E slot and the RX 480 om the 3rd slot.

Because the RX470 consumes less power then 480, therefore TDP is lower and it reaches high temp harder! Usually the 1st GPU index is the one that you have a monitor connected to it! My Batchfile would look like this: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x51c4f7a2842625ca868121c371bb9a -epsw x -ethi 8,7 -tt 70,75 -ttli 73,78 -tstop 78,82 Remember, i use a desktop in this test case scenario, so airflow is important but it’s a closed-pc case, and that means high temperatures for low db fan sound! I know the temps are higher then most people would think, but they’re normal working temps. Now let’s get into DUAL MINING mode!