Monero XMR Mining Game
We've just started a new mining game where miners collect coins from their mine to build up a score. We mine for monero using all our users browsers whilst they play the game to build up a prize fund, once the prize fund reaches 0.5XMR we countdown to the end of the game where first place will win.
The Miner Our Monero Browser based GUI was created to allow users to get involved in the mining of the crypto currency Monero. Mining can be fun and a great hobby, not to mention you’re rewarded with Crypto Currencies for your computer solving transactions. With our browser based miner application you can mine Monero from almost any device that has a Web browser. Build Nexus NXS Miner 2018.
To start XMR mining online all you have to do is create a free account, add your Monero (XMR) wallet address under settings, click on the miner link and click start on the miner. As long as you keep the miner browser window open the miner will utilize the computer’s CPU power to solve transactions and reward you with the Crypto Currency Monero (XMR). The easy to use user interface displays data such as Pool Hash Rate, Network Hash Rate, Network Difficulty, Connected Miners, Last Network Block Reward and it even has a graph so you can see your Hashes Per Second performance. There is also an option to change your Threads for the advanced users. Resources Thank you for checking out Monero Browser Based Miner!