Mine Verge XVG For Free
Looking to start mining Verge (XVG) this video will quickly show you how to setup your miner and connect your wallet.
In this video I'll show you how to mine the VERGE cryptomoeda in the ZPOOL pool by cpu and gpu. VERGE is a cryptmoeda with multi-algorithms, which greatly facilitates mining. In the video I will explain more details about the VERGE. The last option c=XVG-blake2s is wrong and will lead to get not paid in Verge Coin from the pool. C=XVG will be correct! As it states on the pool page: 'YOU MUST ALWAYS set your currency in your password field that matches your wallet address: c=SYMBOL.
The pool has mined hundreds of different coins and many have the same address version. We CAN NOT read your mind and possible know what currency you want. If no c=SYMBOL is set, your currency will be randomly chosen from any matching coins we have used. This HAS TO BE A REAL EXCHANGE SYMBOL. Do not use a symbol that has an ALGO added.
Looking to start mining Verge (XVG) this video will quickly show you how to setup your miner and connect.
Such as XVG-blake2s or AUR-sha or DGB-skein, these are ALL WRONG. These are used only for the pool to support multi-algo coins. Einsteinium EMC2 Minning.