Einsteinium EMC2 Pooled Mining
• • • • • • • • • • • • • Hard Fork target block has been reached! Hard Fork target block has been reached! We at EMC2 want to clarify the announcement.
Apart from having tried mining BTC back when it was ~$500. Any help on how to mine EMC2? (self.einsteinium) submitted 7 months ago by Ex7reMeFx. README.md #Description Stratum-mining is a pooled mining protocol. It is a replacement for getwork based pooling servers by allowing clients to generate work. Jump to What Is Einsteinium Mining? Here you can find a list of known EMC2 mining pools. If you need any help please contact us at mining@emc2.foundation. Einsteinium coin.
The most important part of our foundation is our community. We would like to clarify that the excitement about Apple, or NASA did not came from the team. We would push it as far as on one of our tweets saying “The announcement is not about Apple at this time” was responded to saying “How great would it be if it’s about Apple”. Needless to say we are sorry that you do not feel that the news was sufficient enough. We would also like to clarify the reason why we said the announcement was mind blowing. These are the reasons we felt it would be this important. We are changing our mining algorithm.
We at EMC2 want to clarify the. (AtmanCo) announces a partnership with Einsteinium Foundation (EMC2). By getting into the mining rig market now we believe.
Ufasoft Metaverse ETP ETP Miner Exe here. What does that mean for you? Instead of large ASIC companies leading the way with mining we have decided to give that feature back to the community by focusing on GPU systems. This way millions of people across the world in all walks of life can have the opportunity to be profitable with EMC2 instead of just waiting in line behind big business. This is your coin, we don’t want to count on any large mining operation to make sure we thrive. We see the value on making it possible for anyone from an early teen getting into crypto, to a retired adult to trying to earn income. We truly believe in the “decentralized” concept and don’t want to just be another coin talking about it. We have never been closer to our BTM partnerships and will be a leading coin in atm withdrawals in the near future.
We believe that making EMC2 ready for mainstream adoption is more important than any in-house crypto release. We are expanding our team to ensure EMC2 stays ahead of the curve in the future of crypto.
We want to build a coin that will ensure a good future for our holders and investors and not turn into just another coin on the list. Being the coin leading the way in scientific research, a huge untapped industry, we felt that working on cold storage devices like ledger nano and things like master nodes will help ensure the future of our coin and benefit coin holders.
We also believe that everyone understands the future of cryptocurrency. By getting into the mining rig market now we believe it will also provide profits for our investors in the future and supply a name people can trust in the mining equipment market.
These are all the reasons that exchanges are excited about working with EMC2 and the things we feel like we need to get done to finalize contracts we have been working on with the big names that we all as a community want to see EMC2 working with. Thank you for all the love and support and we will keep you updated as we advance. Because of the reaction we will never be pre announcing news again. We are proud to be one of the few coins to live up to their word on making the announcement and tried our best to make it sizable for the community. I hope we have helped clarify the reasons no one stands in EMC2’s way in the crypto market Does Cryptonex CNX Mining Require Fast Internet. !!
The next announcement will be direct to social media so keep your eyes on the channel for more to come!!!
EINSTEINIUM EMC2 The Einsteinium Foundation was created to help, in any small way it can, raise funding for cutting edge scientific research. To this aim we created Einsteinium, a new cryptocurrency (similar to Bitcoin), to gather funds that can be distributed to projects the community chooses.
Combined with donations from the community at large we will help fund some of the most innovative projects currently under-way or help seed those waiting to start. Website Block Explorer / Crawler Contact SPECIFICATIONS • Algorithm Scrypt PoW • Total Einsteinium 299,792,458 • Initial block value 1024 • Reward Reduction Method Block Halving • Block Target Time 60 seconds • Difficulty Re-targeting KGW • RPC Port 41879 • P2P Port xxx • Donation to The Einsteinium Charitable Fund (per block) 2% • To Faucets, give-aways and marketing (per block) 0.5% • Premine NONE BLOCK REWARDS • 1-72000 = 1024 • 00 = 512 • 100 = 256 • 200 = 128 • 400 = 64 • 500 = 32 • 8000 = 16 • 11000 = 8 • 15000 = 4 • 23000 = 2 • 520000 = 1 DOWNLOADS Windows MacOS Linux None Available.
Andriod Source Code P2Pool Windows Sample einsteinium.conf rpcuser=username rpcpassword=password rpcallowip= rpcport=41879 port=41878 gen=0 server=1 addnode= PORTS • RPC Port: 41879 • P2P Port: 41878 POOLS P2Pool Nodes (Northeurope) (US - Westcoast) (US - Eastcoast) (South-East Asia) (Easteurope) (Northeurope) (Northeast USA) (EU Amsterdam 1%) - statistic (Europe) (Russia) 0% pools: Other pools: Merged Mining EXCHANGES SOCIAL Twitter Facebook SERVICES / OTHER Faucets Edited March 25, 2014 by Jimmy Added / Updated Information.