DigiByte DGB Farming Machine
The alternative crypto currency DigiByte (DGB) has shown a temporary peak in interest with trading on exchanges that literally skyrocketed many times over other coins that are more popular. DigiByte (DGB) is a rapidly growing world-wide decentralized payment network & highly scalable blockchain, inspired by Bitcoin. May 20, 2017 How to start mining DigiByte (DGB) on pool with GPU's. Explained in details how to start mining DigiByte (DGB) on pool. Useful Links DigiByte (DGB. Does anyone mine on a mac? How To Make Money Mining Komodo KMD 2018 here. Been using my windows gaming machine and pulling in about 10 dgb a day, but would like to be able to run it on my MB.
Suprnovan elvileg: - a hashrated az utolso 1 percre mutatja - atlag hashratet nem tudsz nezni ebbol adodoan 'magahoz terni' sosem fog, ugral a hashrate ugyanugy mint mashol (pl flypoolon latni ugye), van hogy a 2x eset mutatja stb, csak az a zavaro hogy nem latsz sehol egy atlagot. Be kell loni fel-egy napra nezni egy avg difficultyt whattomineon es kiderul kaptal e kb annak megfelelo coint.
En amugy nem tapasztaltam problemat suprnovan. Ccminer 2.0 helyett pedig hasznaljatok inkabb az alexis fele ccminert.